Standleyana Variegated

Standleyana variegated
The Monstera Standleyana Variegata is a rare aroid with stunning white or yellow variegated foliage, contrasting magnificently against its dark green foliage. It has a thick leaf, which makes it relatively hardy but also a very slow grower, especially by Monstera Standards.
Is Monstera Standleyana always variegated?
This hard-to-find vine doesn't grow as monstrously large as typical Monsteras, but its attractive variegation always changes, with no two leaves showing the same pattern. In fact the bottom of each leaf often has a different pattern than the top!
How do you care for Monstera Standleyana variegated?
Monstera Standleyana Care
- The monstera needs a lot of indirect sunlight for it to be happy.
- It is common for a standleyana to need watering every other day if the conditions in your home are correct. ...
- Your standleyana does not need too much fertilizer and what you do use should be a high-quality organic type.
Are all standleyana variegated?
The foliage of the Standleyana plant is usually dotted with white flecks. However, some variegated varieties differ from the original plant in terms of variegation.
What is the rarest type of monstera?
The Rare Houseplant Monstera Obliqua is Only for the Most Avid Plant Lovers. Monstera obliqua is one of the rarest monstera varieties out there and it's an expensive challenge only the most passionate plant parents attempt.
What is the rarest variegated monstera?
Variegated Monstera Varieties Variegated Monsteras are well known as status symbols among plant collectors. However, it may surprise you that the most expensive one ever sold was an Adansonii Variegata that went for $38,000.
Can you turn to Monstera to variegated?
According to Plantophiles, the chance of having a plant randomly produce variegation is about 1:100,000. If you do the math, to get a variegated monstera deliciosa means you have to make 100,000 cuttings and make new plants, on average. It's possible, but not highly likely.
Can you encourage variegation in Monstera?
You can promote more variegation in a Monstera Variegata by placing your plant in a spot with more sunlight. The darker it is in the room, the more green leaves are produced.
Does Monstera Standleyana get Fenestrations?
Unlike most monstera varieties, Monstera standleyana doesn't develop fenestrations, or holes, in the leaves. But most of these plants are beautifully variegated and prized for their gorgeous, glossy, lance-shaped leaves. (If you're interested in non-fenestrated monstera varieties, check out Monstera dubia!)
Should you mist variegated monstera?
Monstera Deliciosa enjoys a humid environment, which is why we recommend frequent misting of its leaves. Alternatively, you can place your plant close to other plants, which increases the humidity of the air around them.
Why is my standleyana turning yellow?
If your monstera standleyana is turning yellow, there could be a few culprits. The first thing I almost always recommend checking is your watering routine. Most people overwater their plants. I know a lot about plants and I still overwater mine sometimes!
Are variegated monsteras hard to care for?
If you do manage to get your hands on a monstera albo, know this: variegated monsteras can be tricky to care for. The beautiful white coloring means that these plants have less chlorophyll than regular monsteras, which means they'll have a harder time converting sunlight to energy.
Why is variegated so expensive?
Essentially variegated plants have less surface area to photosynthesise with and produce the sugars they need for growth and repair, hence they usually need more light compared to entirely green plants and typically grow much, much slower. This is the basis of why they are currently so sought after and pricy!
Which variegated Monstera is best?
Monstera deliciosa 'Thai Constellation' is likely the most popular and widely available type of variegated monstera in the United States. 'Thai Constellation' monsteras have splotchy galaxy-like variegation patterns in shades of creamy white and light yellow.
Are Monstera Standleyana and Philodendron Cobra the same?
Monstera standleyana or Philodendron 'Cobra' is an evergreen plant from the Araceae family. It is a popular choice to grow as a houseplant for its small unique leaves. The leaves are often attractively variegated with creamy-yellow colouring.
What monstera is most popular?
Monstera Deliciosa This is the most common variety of monstera we all know and love, and mostly what you'll find when you go plant shopping. It has those big, gorgeous holey leaves that are so popular in nurseries and printed home decor right now. You can't go wrong with this one!
What is the fastest growing monstera?
The mini monstera – the fast-growing houseplant 'Under optimal conditions, this houseplant has the impressive potential to grow 5+ feet a year! 'And it will eventually require a trellis, pole, or stake for support to reach higher heights,' adds Brooke.
What is the lifespan of a monstera?
Like many other houseplants, monstera can live upwards of 40 years and more. It's all about how well you care for this tropical houseplant, such as providing bright light.
What is the most expensive plant tree?
An African Black Ebony tree from Gabon could be worth a million dollars, if you can find one. Due to its high value many species of Black Ebony are now extinct or on the verge of extinction.
How much should I pay for a variegated monstera?
Variegated Monstera ($700 to $5000) Variegated Monstera or 'Swiss cheese plant', such as the M. deliciosa pictured above can sell for up to $5000. A rare M. adansonii has sold for $700, and M.
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